CT (Computed Tomography)

  • Exam. Time :30 mins (Scanning Time:5-10 mins)
  • Price :CT 170,000 won

1. What is computed tomography ?

Unlike normal X-ray, Computed Tomography (CT) scans the human body as the X-ray generator rotates around the person who lies down in a large cylindrical machine with a hole.
When you take a regular X-ray image, you can see many overlapped images, but if you take a CT scan, you can see a clear two-dimensional image of a certain area of the body as the entire series of pictures produced in CT is like a loaf of sliced bread.

And computer programs can be used to create three-dimensional images.
As CT uses computer programs, you can identify the density difference between very small tissues of the human body, which allows us to early detect a disease and to see the detailed composition.
The examination takes about 10-20 minutes.
The machine starts to buzz when the scanning begins. This sound is a sign that X-ray equipment is working properly by rotating around the patient.

Because a CT scan is now commonly used, almost all diseases are subject to screening.
In particular, a CT scan can examine almost all diseases, such as cerebropathia, head and neck tumor, lung cancer, esophageal cancer, river cancer, gastrointestinal tumor, and bone tumor, and help identify damages to each part of the body such as head injury.
Especially, pictures produced during a CT procedure well shows soft tissues, which helps diagnose spinal diseases such as ruptured cervical disk.

As X-ray equipment rotates around the body during the process, patients can be exposed to radiation than normal X-ray scans.
Therefore, if you are pregnant or suspected to be pregnant, you should let the health care provider and the technologist know to avoid scanning.

2. 64-channel MDCT(Multi-detector Computed Tomography)

The 64-channel MDCT is an imaging device that uses 64 multi-detectors and quickly and thinly scans a wide area.
Compared to conventional CT equipment producing a single-sided image with a single X-ray emission, the 64-channel MDCT offers much thinner and better resolution images, which allows us to get three-dimensional images of all examinations in real time and to shorten the scan time.
During a CT procedure, 64 pictures are taken in 0.33 seconds at a time, and moving organs such as the heart can be scanned. It is advanced radiation diagnostic equipment that creates three-dimensional images and even four-dimensional videos, and takes 64 cross-sectional images with X-ray emissions to obtain stereoscopic images.
As the 64-channel MDCT adopts noninvasive ways, this can be used for early examination of heart disease, especially coronary artery disease, or for observation of the patient’s progress after coronary bypass surgery.

Cardiac MDCT

Most cardiac diseases can be examined, including congenital malformation of the heart, ischemic cardiac disease, hypertensive cardiomyopathy, dilated cardiomyopathy, mitral valvular disease, cardiac tumor, pericardial effusion, and pericardial and cardiac tumor, and coronary atherosclerosis.
In particular, the 64-channel MDCT scan is very useful for early diagnosis of coronary stenosis.

Pulmonary MDCT

You can gain the pictures of the lobus inferior pulmonis sinistri, lung apex and lung hilum in the back of the heart which cannot be gained from a simple chest x-ray. Thus, pulmonary diseases can be accurately diagnosed such as arteriopathy, bronchiectasis, lung abscess, tuberculosis activity, interstital pulmonary disease and chronic pulmonary disease.

1) Advantages of Low Dose Pulmonary CT
  • An accurate diagnosis with 64 cross-sectional images obtained from one screening
  • High image resolution compared to conventional CT scans
  • Quick screening time
  • Low radiation exposure compared to conventional CT scans
  • Excellent images of a constantly moving heart
  • Possibility to detect minor lesions (0.35mm-0.5mm cross-sectional images obtained)
  • Precise three-dimensional images to observe various aspects of organs
2) Images Gained with Low Dose Pulmonary CT
  • Lungs, bronchial tubes, pleura, mediastinum, aorta, pulmonary vessel and esophagus
3) Recommended Target (reference: extracted from the World Lung Cancer Society recommendation)
  • Long-term smokers over the age of 45
  • Those who have a family history of lung cancer
  • Those who work at a special workshop
4) Examination Guide
  • Exam. Time: 5 to 20 mins
  • Exam. Method: To get a clear image deeply inhale just before starting the examination, and hold your breath according to the instructions.
    * Caution: When who are pregnant, are preparing to become pregnant, or are likely to be pregnant should avoid the examination.